I've seen these commercials on TV with the crazy girl stalking 'Brad'. (Please see the videos attached in orange.) This makes me think of the things I have heard girls
There are a few things that come to mind that
For instance wearing a big curly black wig with huge Hollywood glasses pretending to smoke and driving slowly by a potential lovers house is a no-no. Especially if this person lives in a culd-a-sac, this is very awkward..just driving in circles ya usually draws the attention of the neighbors...especially if the neighbors are cops *sneer*.
Hiding in bushes across the street from ex's residence with binoculars...yeah not a good idea either and some bushes are very stickery...
Insistent tweeting, twitting, texting..yeah although tempting... don't do it. You will for sure get carpal tunnel and surgery is expensive (this is the financial savvy me coming out here). hard to resist...
Facebook: Now this is were things can really go awry... I've seen crazy stuff on this site. I am not a fan of creating fake Facebook profiles for stalking purposes..
What I'm saying here is....Love yourself.