Thursday, June 2, 2011

And the Award Goes To.....

You might remember not too long ago that I got the "Cherry On Top" award from the 'Onion'.   She likes me...  I promised to post 5 of my favorite blogs. 

Here they are....

1.  The Onion  - I loooove the Onion.  That betch has a lot of layers....

2.  Absolutely Narcissism - mostly this little gal is hilarious...and a self admitted narcissist.  I mean that is what blogging is about right...

3.  Hormonal Imbalances - I just like her hormonal imbalances...

4. A Bitch Called Mom - hilariously bitchy...and I get her...maybe because I'm bitchy?

5.  Life In The Sun - I do like a serious thought occasionally....

1 comment:

  1. I also love Sandy and Absolute and ABCM. Be sure to check out oh, Noa and The Blogess. I die laughing. There are so many good writers out there.

    You should do a few of the challenges on Red Writing Hood, Indie Ink, etc. It's kinda fun and you get to see a lot of other people's blogs.
