Monday, July 11, 2011

Cheaper than a Psychiatrist....

My therapy sessions have been getting in the way of the WW123 plan...I hate the WW123 plan and all other plans like it...

I seem to have a way of 'working' whatever it is I like into a diet plan...I don't do diets...they are so restrictive.

Lately I have been working some serious Margarita's.  Yummy strawberry blended Margarita's.  After thinking about it..or maybe not really thinking about it too much....I figured...strawberries are fruit and tequila has no calories...#winning...

Not so much.  I saw this on the internet today....Knock that Shit off....very depressing...

My nightly routine has been this...walk 2 miles...then slide down some zoloft with a Margarita...stop judging me..and for the most part it has been working for me.  I'm like a dog...I tell want a have to do a trick.  I get excited for my walk every night because I know what is at the end...but it's like rehydrating right?  I even ran the other night for like 0.00000004 miles when it started to rain I hate getting my hair wet and was pretty proud of myself other than the fact that the sisters were bouncing out of my bra like two wild loose cannons running is bad for breast tissue one of the many reasons I think running sucks.

After enjoying the show...the dirt pusher being the compassionate man that he is bought me a new Nike sports bra that can hold these suckers down..I think its made with titanium or something...I even gave it a quick jog in place to try it out...and heck maybe with another rainstorm I might give the new bra a good workout.

But I think for the well being of the waist band of my jeans I might need to rethink my Walk/Margarita routine and just stick to the strawberries and zoloft for my nightly therapy session....I swear medical science has to ruin everything...hummphhhhh..

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